
Conduit Launches Arbitrum Orbit and Stylus Support

Andrew Huang

September 21, 2023

We’re excited to announce that Conduit has added support for Arbitrum Orbit to our suite of rollup technology. Launch your own L3s on top of Arbitrum One or Arbitrum Nova with the same Conduit-powered production-grade, battle-tested infrastructure that our existing customers rely on.

Arbitrum Orbit is Conduit's second rollup stack, joining Conduit's existing offering of the OP Stack-powered Superchain that powers customers like Zora, Gitcoin, Aevo and more.

With the consent of the Arbitrum DAO, customers will also be able to deploy their own dedicated L2s on top of Ethereum using the Orbit stack.

All Conduit Orbit Chains will be able to leverage Arbitrum’s newest innovation: Stylus¹.

Stylus is a new WASM-based VM that allows developers to write smart contracts in a variety of languages, such as Rust and C++, that are able to interoperate synchronously with the EVM.

Stylus will cut compute costs by up to 10-100x and memory costs by up to 100x-500x².

See our guide on how to deploy a new WASM-based contract to your Conduit Orbit stack.

Arbitrum Orbit also allows for other customizations, like custom gas tokens³ and using a data availability committee to cut transaction costs down by over 100x.

Launch your own Arbitrum Orbit stack completely self-serve, in one-click on Conduit’s Rollups-as-a-Service (RaaS) platform. Deploying Arbitrum Orbit stacks on Conduit will be free for the next week!

¹ Stylus is available on testnets today, but only on mainnet after Stylus passes audits.
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Deploy fully-managed, production-grade rollups on Ethereum, no code required, with Conduit's Rollups-as-a-Service (RaaS) platform.

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Customers get custom SLAs, prioritized integrations, and input on our roadmap.

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